
30 Jun

Ministry Update: Many Trained in 2017

Ministry Report APT Ministries is off to a strong start for the year. As June comes to a close, we have trained over 1250 African church leaders in 2017. In July, we will train at least 300 more leaders in Kenya alone. At the midway point of the year, we have already exceeded the total […]


20 Jun

APT Teachers Gather for Training in Nigeria

On June 19,  I will depart for Nigeria to meet with everyone at APT Ministries who teaches the Thompson Bible workshop in Africa. This will be the first meeting of its kind for us, during which we will receive further training in how to conduct our workshops more effectively. APT instructors will represent Nigeria, Chad, Kenya, […]


7 Mar

Report from Kenya

Editor’s note: Brian Balster, of APT Ministries, recently trained 279 pastors and leaders in Kenya. Brian’s report from that trip is provided below. We saw so many pastors and church leaders encouraged and lifted through these workshops. I only wish that each of you could witness the joy that is expressed by our brothers and […]


21 Dec

APT Receives $24,000 Matching Gift for French Bibles

With thankful hearts, we report that APT Ministries has received a matching funds gift of $24,000 to purchase French Thompson Study Bibles. We praise God that this generous gift will cover our ministry’s projected costs for French bibles in 2017. Historically, one of the ongoing needs that APT Ministries has faced is for funding to purchase […]


27 Oct

In Memoriam: Nicolas Nodjitolnan

January 1970—October 2016 Last week, Nicolas Nodjitolnan of Moundou, Chad, one of the key leaders for APT Ministries, was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident. He would have been 47 in January. As I look back over my 20+ year friendship with Nicolas, I am reminded of the Apostle Paul who had his “Timothy, Silvanus, […]


3 Oct

Ministry And Culture

The continent, countries, and cultures of Africa We tend to think of Africa as a country and forget it is a continent made up of over 50 countries, each with a variety of cultures and practices. Part of the enjoyment of ministry in Africa is learning about other cultures and practices within a country. If […]