With its wealth of study aids and tools, APT Ministries uses the Thompson Chain Reference Bible in our Bible training workshops. To date, we’ve trained over 26,000 African pastors to use this tool for Bible study and sermon preparation. Join us in “reaching Africa’s people by training African pastors.
Dr. Frank Charles Thompson was a young preacher in the late 1800’s. He believed the Bible should be presented in a simple, but scholarly way. He saw the need for a well-organized reference Bible that would be of practical use to the layman as well as the minister.
In 1890, Dr. Thompson began the work he would continue for the rest of his life. Through his daily study of God’s Word, he discovered more than 4,000 topics in the Bible and he noted these opposite verses. Later, he linked these verses sharing common topics into the now world-famous Thompson chain-reference system. Using this simple system, the servant of God can easily form a series of messages. Under the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit, life-related messages are easily outlined.
In 1908, the first edition of the Thompson Chain-Reference Study Bible® was printed by Methodists Book Concern of Dobbs Ferry, New York. It quickly became known as the most helpful, trustworthy and unbiased study Bible available.
This valued study Bible has more than 600 pages of study helps. One of its greatest strengths is that there is no commentary found on the pages of the Bible. This allows the pastor to solely depend upon the Holy Spirit, drawing out from the text FRESH messages that meet felt and real needs. Some of the outstanding features of this valued study tool are:
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APT Ministries
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McKinney TX 75071