APT Teachers Gather for Training in Nigeria

On June 19,  I will depart for Nigeria to meet with everyone at APT Ministries who teaches the Thompson Bible workshop in Africa. This will be the first meeting of its kind for us, during which we will receive further training in how to conduct our workshops more effectively. APT instructors will represent Nigeria, Chad, Kenya, Liberia, Belgium and the United States. Our instructor, Hector Burke, is from Panama.  His years of experience in developing and teaching the Thompson Bible International Institute workshop in other countries will be a blessing to us all.

No Boundaries for God’s Work

Though APT is a small ministry, when we meet together in Nigeria this coming week, we will all be reminded that the Church and its work knows no racial, cultural, or political boundaries.  The Great Commission is the work of all who profess faith in Christ, regardless of their nationality.  It is a blessing to be involved with these men and women as APT Ministries fulfills the small part that God has given us in the Great Commission.

Your Vital Role

All of you who pray for and support this ministry are a vital part as well!  Thank you for doing so!  Without you, there would be no forward movement and continued growth of APT Ministries!  Please keep praying for an ever-increasing impact of this ministry!