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APT Ministries

Growth of APT Ministries

Ministry development always contains an element of looking back to see how the Lord has led and provided. But it is also important to look forward to where you believe He is taking you. It is encouraging to see God’s faithfulness in the past and to seek to trust Him by faith for the future!

The numbers tell an encouraging story

As a ministry we are committed to “developing National Training Teams” in each country in which we have a presence. The wisdom of this biblical philosophy of ministry (II Tim. 2:2) bears fruit as seen in the chart below.

Graph of pastors and trainers trained with projectionsThe chart records the number of pastors and leaders trained annually through the Thompson Bible workshop since it was first introduced in Africa. Before leaving my last pastorate I went to Chad in 2007 to conduct the first workshop in Africa.

– 2009: APT Ministries “officially” began at the beginning of 2009

– 2011: APT Ministries first French speaking Training Team begins training in Chad, Congo, DRC

– 2013: APT Ministries first English speaking Training Team begins training in Liberia

– 2014: Estimate for 2014 assuming full funding for my travel and training for at least 500 in Liberia. This jump is because of the funding in advance for Bibles in 2013, AND now having two training teams in addition to myself engaged in training.

Developing national training teams

– 2015-2017: This plateau is intentional. If the Lord provides funding for Bibles and shipping ($100,000 annually) and travel in advance for these years, then our goal will be to develop National Training Teams in each of the 8 countries we are currently committed to.

Please pray for APT Ministries as we follow the Lord in this ministry!

Chuck Ballard